Altered T cell metabolism and dysregulated cytokine associations in ME/CFS

The ENID Center is excited to announce a new publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Recent Hanson Lab graduate, Dr. Alexandra Mandarano, is the lead author of “Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients exhibit altered T cell metabolism and cytokine associations”. This paper goes into our research exploring the immune system in people with ME/CFS.

UPDATE: The final publication of the paper was released on February 10, 2020. Accompanying this release, Dr. Mady Hornig wrote a related commentary: “Can the light of immunometabolism cut through “brain fog”?“.

Dr. Daniel Peterson and Simmaron Research staff Dr. Gunnar Gottschalk and Marco Maynard provided blood samples from carefully diagnosed ME/CFS cases and controls that were critical for carrying out the study.  Thanks to Simmaron Research and a private donor, as well as NIH, for financial support for the study.  A press release was issued by NIH.

Furthermore, we have launched a new initiative to help expand the reach of our research. Dr. Mandarano has recorded a talk that walks you through this publication. The video is hosted on our new YouTube channel. Check out this video below and stay tuned for future posts and videos about our research.

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