NYSDOH Panel Session on ME/CFS in Age of COVID-19

Center Director Dr. Maureen Hanson will be presenting current scientific research on ME/CFS during a panel session hosted by New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH). The session titled “Scientific Research on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Age of COVID-19” will be moderated by Dr. Charles Gonzalez. Dr. Ian Lipkin (Columbia University) and Dr. Avindra Nath (NIH) will be joining Hanson as panel presenters.

UPDATE: In case you missed the panel discussion, NYS DOH released a recording along with each presenter’s slides. Direct links to the recording and Dr. Hanson’s slides are below. Visit the NYS DOH ME/CFS website for more information.

Alexandra Mandarano wins LPS award for JCI publication

Dr. Alexandra Mandarano

Hanson Lab alumna, Alexandra Mandarano ’19 Ph.D., received the Laboratory Product Sales (LPS) award for her December 2019 JCI publication. The LPS award is granted to a student of the graduate field Genomics, Genomics and Development who is first author on what is judged to be the “best” student paper published in a calendar year. The award includes Mandarano’s name engraved on a plaque in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics office. Congratulations, Dr. Mandarano!

Letter to the Editor of Metabolites explaining the estimate of 65 million people with ME/CFS worldwide

Back in January 2020, Germain et al published a metabolomics paper in Metabolites stating:

The latest worldwide prevalence rate projects that over 65 million patients suffer from myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)…

This 65 million people with ME/CFS figure has brought about some attention resulting in this letter to the Editor. Importantly, this letter brings several more supporting references beyond the initial Valdez et al publication. The key takeaway from the letter is that the prevalence of ME/CFS is likely much greater than the oft-cited figure of “20 million worldwide.”

Metabolomics study shows disrupted metabolism of acyl lipids and steroids in ME/CFS

Dr. Arnaud Germain

Dr. Arnaud Germain, a member of the Hanson Lab, is the lead author on a new publication in the journal Metabolites. The paper describes a metabolomics study on the plasma of 52 female subjects. A large emphasis on lipids was observed in the approximately 1,750 blood compound datapoints. As summarized in the illustration below, notable changes were uncovered when comparing the ME/CFS and control cohorts.

Upcoming public lecture at NIH

The Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group announced an upcoming public lecture at the Masur Auditorium in NIH’s Clinical Center. Cornell ENID Center members Dr. Maureen Hanson and Dr. Betsy Keller will be presenting, and the event will also include updates on the NIH intramural study. The event will be hosted by the NIH ME/CFS Special Interest Group and is scheduled to take place on April 22, 2020 at 12:30 pm. Anyone that is interested can attend in person or watch the talks via videocast.

This post will be updated with the videocast link and other pertinent event information as it is made available. Also, you can receive updates and other NIH ME/CFS information by joining the NIH ME/CFS listserv. Visit the subscription link here if you are interested in subscribing.

Event information: https://www.nih.gov/mecfs/events

UPDATE: The Trans-NIH ME/CFS WG announced on 3/23/2020 that this event will be postponed due to the coronavirus situation.

Altered T cell metabolism and dysregulated cytokine associations in ME/CFS

The ENID Center is excited to announce a new publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Recent Hanson Lab graduate, Dr. Alexandra Mandarano, is the lead author of “Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients exhibit altered T cell metabolism and cytokine associations”. This paper goes into our research exploring the immune system in people with ME/CFS.

UPDATE: The final publication of the paper was released on February 10, 2020. Accompanying this release, Dr. Mady Hornig wrote a related commentary: “Can the light of immunometabolism cut through “brain fog”?“.

Dr. Daniel Peterson and Simmaron Research staff Dr. Gunnar Gottschalk and Marco Maynard provided blood samples from carefully diagnosed ME/CFS cases and controls that were critical for carrying out the study.  Thanks to Simmaron Research and a private donor, as well as NIH, for financial support for the study.  A press release was issued by NIH.

Furthermore, we have launched a new initiative to help expand the reach of our research. Dr. Mandarano has recorded a talk that walks you through this publication. The video is hosted on our new YouTube channel. Check out this video below and stay tuned for future posts and videos about our research.

Betsy Keller speaks in Norway November 2019

As part of the Norwegian ME Association’s Knowledge Campaign 2019, Dr. Betsy Keller traveled to Norway to present on post-exertional malaise. The Norwegian ME Association has uploaded her talk to YouTube and can be watched using the embedded video below. Additionally, the following links will direct you to associated information translated to English via Google Translate.

Norwegian ME Association’s Knowledge Campaign 2019

Post about Dr. Keller’s talk including information on PEM management


ENID Center featured in Norwegian blog

Quote translation: “… how ME became the most contentious disease of our time”
Photo: De Bortgjemte (The Hidden)

A Norwegian blog, The Hidden, published a summary of our NIH funded research center efforts.  The blog is by physical therapist and journalist Jørgen Jelstad. He covers various aspects relating to ME/CFS and has also reviewed the other two NIH funded research centers—Columbia’s Center for Solutions for ME/CFS and The Jackson Laboratory’s Collaborative Research Center. For an English translation of the website by Google Translate iTool, please visit this link.

Second annual ME/CFS Consortium meeting

Members of the Cornell ME/CFS Center joined advocacy representatives, Columbia Center for Solutions, JAX ME/CFS Center, NIH, and RTI for the second annual ME/CFS Consortium meeting. The group met in New York City on October 22 and 23, 2019 to discuss current research progress and future collaborative efforts.

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