Recruitment information for muscle and cellular function study

We are seeking volunteers comprising 40 ME/CFS patients and 20 controls to participate in an NIH funded (U54AI178855) project. An overview of the study can be found here. Only those participants whose onset of ME/CFS was before 2020 will be eligible. Please review our recruitment flyer for more information on how to volunteer as a patient or control in this research study.

Center receives 5-year NIH collaborative research center award

Announced April 11, 2023, the ENID Center has successfully competed for a 5-year U54 award from the National Institutes of Health. The U54 award provides funding for a multidisciplinary, multicomponent collaborative research center. The award will fund exciting research to explore topics such as endothelium function, cell-free RNA, immune cell dysfunction, extracellular vesicles, and more.

The new research award includes a subject participation component. We will soon provide information on how interested people can get involved. Check back here later, or stay tuned to the Center’s tweets and Facebook posts for updates.

The new funding is partly an extension of previous work. Specifically, we plan to utilize previous and future data, highlighted in the figure below, to perform multiomic analyses. Multiomics uses sophisticated computation approaches to incorporate multiple datasets, which can provide an enhanced and holistic perspective.

The Cornell Chronicle first announced the U54 award. Check out the press release for more information.

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