Op-ed aims to promote funding for ME/CFS

Maureen Hanson, Center Director, and journalist Hillary Johnson co-authored an op-ed in The Hill. The op-ed highlights the need to fund research into chronic post-infectious diseases. It is unfortunate that other similar, yet distinct, diseases such as ME/CFS are not included in long COVID funding proposed by Senator Sanders.. Please take a moment to read and share this op-ed to help promote funding for pre-pandemic ME/CFS–a disease that profoundly impacts so many people. 

Maureen Hanson authors editorial on enteroviruses and ME/CFS

Published on August 12, 2021, Maureen Hanson wrote an editorial in Frontiers Science News that highlights the enterovirus theory of ME/CFS. Particularly, Hanson emphasizes that, “ME/CFS is neither a rare nor a trivial illness.” She provides insight into the potential link between ME/CFS and a chronic EV infection. This probable link was reviewed in detail in a Frontiers in Medicine June 2021 article by Adam O’Neal and Hanson. Hanson discusses the possibility that SARS viruses may be the second class of RNA viruses to cause a chronic illness, given the existence of “long COVID.”

Graphical representation of enteroviruses causing brain inflammation. Photo credit: Kateryna Kon (Shutterstock)

ENID Center featured in Norwegian blog

Quote translation: “… how ME became the most contentious disease of our time”
Photo: De Bortgjemte (The Hidden)

A Norwegian blog, The Hidden, published a summary of our NIH funded research center efforts.  The blog is by physical therapist and journalist Jørgen Jelstad. He covers various aspects relating to ME/CFS and has also reviewed the other two NIH funded research centers—Columbia’s Center for Solutions for ME/CFS and The Jackson Laboratory’s Collaborative Research Center. For an English translation of the website by Google Translate iTool, please visit this link.

SMCI Chronicle highlights Dr. Hanson and Center

The Solve ME/CFS Initiative’s (SMCI) Spring 2018 Solve ME/CFS Chronicle contains an article highlighting Dr. Marueen Hanson and the NIH-funded Cornell ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center. The article includes an interview with Dr. Hanson providing her perspective on ME/CFS research and more. Please see the links below to retrieve this information.

Article “Dr. Maureen Hanson: From Plant Biology to ME/CFS Champion”

Complete Solve ME/CFS Chronicle Spring 2018

Additionally, SMCI hosts an archive of all of their publications here. It is a great way to review SMCI’s publications in one location.

Gut microbiome publication

On January 22, 2018, PeerJ published “Eukaryotes in the gut microbiota in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome”. The publication is work done by Center participants regarding the diversity of eukaryotes in the gut microbiomes of people with ME/CFS and in healthy controls.

A recent research highlight by the Solve ME/CFS Initiative provides a detailed summary of this article. SMCI’s research summary can be viewed here.

Figure 1: Individual relative taxa abundances in healthy controls and ME/CFS patients. (from publication)

Mandarano AH, Giloteaux L, Keller BA, Levine SM, Hanson MR. 2018. Eukaryotes in the gut microbiota in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. PeerJ 6:e4282 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4282

The Real Story About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A devastating illness that needs a better name
Garnet News October 19, 2016

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an illness that many may have heard of, but few, in reality, know much about.

The misconception of the seriousness of the disease is in part caused by the use of the name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), coined in 1988 by a committee convened at the Centers for Disease Control. Prior to that recommendation, the disease was known by the more intimidating name Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), which is favored by many patients and still used in many countries overseas. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome trivializes the nature of the disease and its impact on the lives of the people who suffer with it.

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Millions Are Missing: Will The World Finally Notice?

by Maureen Hanson
Huffington Post September  30, 2016

This week, demonstrations occurred in 25 global cities world-wide to focus attention on a neglected, devastating disease — Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), an illness that also goes by the misleading name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). At this event, the most powerful demonstrators were those who could not attend — the bedridden and housebound patients.

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Be Aware and Beware: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an Equal Opportunity Disease

by Maureen Hanson
Huffington Post   May 20, 2016

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or CFS, is an innocuous name given to a debilitating disease. Its seriousness is better indicated by the term Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), a label preferred by many of its victims. On May 17-18, the Department of Health and Human Services hosted the biannual public meeting of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee by webinar. This was a fitting time for such a meeting, as May is International ME/CFS Awareness Month.

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