IACFSME Conference 2022

IACFSME held a virtual medical and scientific research conference on July 27-30, 2022. Our Center presented several talks and participated in the poster session at the conference. Center members Andrew Grimson, Arnaud Germain, Betsy Keller, Geoff Moore, Jessica Maya, and Katie Glass gave oral presentation on topics ranging from immune cell exhaustion to post CPET recovery. Postdoctoral associate, Ludovic Giloteaux, presented a poster on extracellular vesicle proteins in plasma. Details about the conference agenda can be found on the event’s website.

We would also like to announce that Candace Receno, a new collaborator at Ithaca College, and Jessica Maya received the NIH NINDS travel award at this year’s meeting. Congratulations to Candace and Jessica!

Center participates in IACFS/ME conference 2021

The International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME) held a virtual international scientific conference on August 19-21, 2021. Several members of our Center participated in this meeting by presenting either an oral or a poster presentation. In particular, postdoctoral associates, Arnaud German, Ph.D., and Ludovic Giloteaux, Ph.D., gave oral presentations on the impacts of a two-day CPET on metabolomics and extracellular vesicle proteomics, respectively. John Chia, M.D., gave two presentations on the implications of COVID-19 and enterovirus infections on ME/CFS.

Additionally, Adam O’Neal, Jessica Maya, and Paul Munn, Ph.D. presented posters at the conference. O’Neal presented work from his recent review on the enterovirus theory in ME/CFS. Maya showed recent findings on her immune cell metabolism experiments. Lastly, Munn displayed the progress he has made in creating an integrative database platform for the Center.

If you are interested in watching the oral presentations, recordings can be purchased on the conference website. Note that the recordings will only be available until October 22, 2021. Detailed information, including the full conference schedule, can be found on the conference website.

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